【直播】【睿涉者 · 前沿科学论坛】中国科大程光磊教授:可重构关联氧化物纳米电子学
此论坛由蔻享学术主办,由Quantum Design中国独家赞助,专注于实验科学的最新进展 ,从2021年1月27日开始,每周三晚举办一期(节假日除外 ),论坛第三十七期特邀报告人:中国科学技术大学程光磊教授。
Richard Feynman’s famous proposal on “manipulating atom one by one” represents an ultimate dream for condensed matter physicist to freely create and control novel phenomena in solid state systems. Here I present one pathway towards manipulating electrons one by one at a correlated oxide interface. By “writing” and “erasing” using an atomically sharp atomic force microscope tip at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface, it is possible to program all the emergent phenomena to a nanoscale at the single electron limit, and in a reconfigurable manner. I will describe what kind of quantum devices and related physics we can explore, with an emphasis on our recent progress on better understanding the origin of high mobility carriers at the material level and efforts in creating new tools to manipulate electrons in-situ at mK temperatures.
图 | 程光磊
程光磊,2011年于美国匹兹堡大学获博士学位,现为中国科学技术大学物理学院教授,主要从事量子纳米电子学领域研究,致力于强关联量子材料与器件在基础凝聚态物理研究,固体量子模拟以及拓扑量子计算中的应用。研究范围为氧化物异质结量子材料外延生长,量子器件的制备,极低温量子输运现象研究及极低温扫描探针显微技术研究。在Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters,Nano Letters等杂志发表多篇论文。